Florida Scientist
The Florida Scientist is a PEER-REVIEWED journal and is published quarterly by the Florida Academy of Sciences, Inc., a non-profit scientific and educational association.
Original articles containing new knowledge, or new interpretations of knowledge, are welcomed in any field of science as represented by the sections of the Academy. Also, contributions will be considered which present new applications of scientific knowledge to practical problems within fields of interest to the Academy.
Articles must not duplicate in any substantial way material that is published elsewhere.
Contributions are reviewed by members of the Academy and non-members as well. Papers submitted by non-members will be reviewed only after the authors join the Academy.
Preview the Instructions for Authors and contact our Journal staff for all Journal questions and subscription information.

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When you support the Florida Academy of Sciences with your contribution, you help to continue the work of Florida scientists and aspiring scientists.
Your donation will be used to improve the environment, preserve Florida’s wildlife, beaches, oceans, and quality of life for our community.