The Florida Academy of Sciences (FAS), the only professional STEM organization in Florida, is strongly and decisively dedicated to supporting diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) in scientific practices and STEM education in the state of Florida. The Academy considers DEIJ values as being crucial to academics and to the advancement of scientific research in Florida. Scientists with distinct and diverse backgrounds and viewpoints are encouraged to participate in our annual meeting and other FAS events, as well as publish in the peer-reviewed journal Florida Scientist.
Meeting Information
Florida Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting Information
March 21, 2025 @ Florida Institute of Technology
All presenters and other attendees must register for the 2025 Annual Meeting. Registration is open.
Lodging Information – Click the button below

Click HERE for FAS Call For Abstracts 2025
Hays Student Travel Award Application – Deadline Passed
Hays Travel fund at the website that folks should apply for this before their abstract is accepted.
Instructions for Presenters
Each speaker will have 15 minutes for his or her presentation. There will be no exceptions to this rule. It is recommended that your presentation last approximately 12 minutes, so that there will be ample time for questions afterward. Your Section Chair or moderator will give you a signal as the end of your 12 minutes approaches. Please plan on being present when the session in which you are going to speak begins.
Your Section Chair may have additional instructions for speakers.
Contact your Section Chair or the Program Chair, Dr. David Karlen at:

Give a Gift
When you support the Florida Academy of Sciences with your contribution, you help to continue the work of Florida scientists and aspiring scientists.
Your donation will be used to improve the environment, preserve Florida’s wildlife, beaches, oceans, and quality of life for our community.