Why join FAS?
What will membership in the Florida Academy of Sciences do for you? Here are some valuable opportunities.
- An Annual Meeting with networking among many scientific disciplines, dynamic presentations and plenary sessions featuring current science topics.
- Opportunities to present scientific papers at the Annual Meeting.
- Membership in the only Florida organization of professional and lay citizens that represent all science disciplines.
- Subscription to the peer-reviewed quarterly journal, Florida Scientist, listed in many scientific indices.
- Privilege to submit articles for publication in Florida Scientist under a Green Open-Access publishing model.
- First 10 pages in journal free of page charges to authors per article.
- Participation in efforts to increase the understanding of governmental agencies about science and its importance to Florida life and economy.
- Mentoring and supporting young scientists through the Junior Academy of Sciences and college student chapters.
- Awards and recognition to your scientists, to FAS members and to peers in the Florida scientific community.
- A council of dedicated volunteer officers, section chairs, and committee chairs which meets regularly to promote FAS science and science education goals.
- Participation in activities to promote public awareness of the value of science to the economy of Florida and the nation.
- A forum for K-12 and post secondary educators to work together with FAS to improve science education in Florida.
- Increased opportunities to serve on committees that shape science and science education policies in Florida.
- Participation in AAAS at the national level through FAS affiliation.

Become a member today!
We invite you to join in working towards the goals established by the Florida Academy of Sciences. Become active in one of the section areas in which you have an interest.
Renew your membership
Don’t miss out on the many advantages of membership in the Florida Academy of Sciences.
Give a Gift
When you support the Florida Academy of Sciences with your contribution, you help to continue the work of Florida scientists and aspiring scientists.
Your donation will be used to improve the environment, preserve Florida’s wildlife, beaches, oceans, and quality of life for our community.